Monday, November 20, 2023
We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new page on our website called "Components." This addition enriches our platform with detailed insights and resources for design enthusiasts and professionals. Here's what you can expect from this update:
Browsable Components with Categories and Full Detail Pages
Enhanced Navigation: Explore a vast array of UI components, now organized into intuitive categories for easier access.
Detailed Component Pages: Each component is showcased with in-depth information, including usage scenarios, variations, and specifications.
Comprehensive Guides on Design Fundamentals
Colors: A detailed guide on color schemes, usage, and psychology to enhance your design aesthetics.
Spacing: Learn about the importance of space in UI design, including margin, padding, and layout strategies.
Shadows: Insights into shadow effects for depth and focus in your designs.
Typography: Explore typography essentials, from font selection to readability considerations.
Component Usage Explanations: Each component is accompanied by a rationale for its use, helping you understand when and how to apply them effectively.
Light Mode and Dark Mode
Dual Theme Support: The components page now supports both light and dark modes, allowing you to view and test components in different environments.
Full Animations and Interactions in Framer
Interactive Prototyping: Experience full animations and interactions of components within Framer, providing a real-time view of their behavior.
Updated UI Templates with the Latest Designs
New Wireframes and Components Page Design: Discover our newest design innovations with updated UI templates, including wireframes that showcase the latest trends and best practices.
This update is part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with the most comprehensive and user-friendly design resources. We hope these enhancements will inspire and facilitate your creative process. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements!

Meng To, designer and coder