Sunday, October 29, 2023

Primitives, Variables scoping and Brand colors

Primitives, Variables scoping and Brand colors

Primitives, Variables scoping and Brand colors

In building your design system, aligning with established standards like Figma's guidelines and Apple's UI Kit is crucial. Here's a breakdown of this approach:

  • Primitives: Hidden from publishing and scoping, these include basic colors like black, white, red, etc. with different variations. This allows for context on color usage and offers complementary colors.

  • Semantic colors: Named intuitively to guide users on usage, e.g., "background border," "container divider." Context is important.

  • Variables scoping: Restricts usage of values to their intended context, making it clear that a border color shouldn't be used for text.

By focusing on consistency, clear naming, and contextual scoping, you're creating a robust design system that's both user-friendly and in sync with industry standards.

Meng To, designer and coder